Oheers / EvenMoreFish

An advanced fishing plugin based on MoreFish, created 2 years after its last update.
MIT License
91 stars 56 forks source link

Implements acf command framework (#316) #317

Closed sarhatabaot closed 2 months ago

sarhatabaot commented 2 months ago

Implements the suggestion as outlined in #316

Changes from original command


New list command

The list function previously in /emf admin fish has been moved to it's own command. javaw_I9cTXC6PO9

Removed -q & -p args


Help Command

The help command has been reworked. You can search for specific subcommand to see info about it, commands will only be displayed to the users if they have the correct permission.


User with only default permissions:


New Messages

  title: "[noPrefix]&f&m &#f1ffed&m &#e2ffdb&m &#d3ffc9&m &#c3ffb7&m &#b2ffa5&m &#9fff92&m &#8bff7f&m &#73ff6b&m &a&m &f &a&lEvenMoreFish &a&m &#73ff6b&m&m &#8bff7f&m &#9fff92&m &#b2ffa5&m &#c3ffb7&m &#d3ffc9&m &#e2ffdb&m &#f1ffed&m &f&m &f"
  top: "[noPrefix]Shows an ongoing competition's leaderboard."
  help: "[noPrefix]Shows you this page."
  shop: "[noPrefix]Opens a shop to sell your fish."
  toggle: "[noPrefix]Toggles whether or not you receive custom fish."
  admin: "[noPrefix]Admin command help page."
  sellall: "[noPrefix]Sell all the fish in your inventory."
  next: "[noPrefix]Show how much time is until the next competition."

  fish: "[noPrefix]Display all fish in a specific rarity."
  rarities: "[noPrefix]Display all rarities."

# Competition help (/emf admin competition help)
  start: "[noPrefix]Starts a competition of a specified duration"
  end: "[noPrefix]Ends the current competition (if there is one)"
# Admin help (/emf admin help)
  bait: "[noPrefix]Gives baits to a player."
  competition: "[noPrefix]Starts or stops a competition"
  clearbaits: "[noPrefix]Removes all applied baits from a fishing rod."
  fish: "[noPrefix]Gives a fish to a player."
  nbt-rod: "[noPrefix]Gives a custom NBT rod to a player required for catching EMF fish."
  reload: "[noPrefix]Reloads the plugin's config files."
  migrate: "[noPrefix]Migrate the database from Legacy (V2) to V3"
  addons: "[noPrefix]Display all addons."
  rewardtypes: "[noPrefix]Display all reward types."
  version: "[noPrefix]Displays plugin information."
