Oheers / EvenMoreFish

An advanced fishing plugin based on MoreFish, created 2 years after its last update.
MIT License
91 stars 56 forks source link

[Suggestion (Plugin)]: anti-afk feature #368

Open Ibotmealot opened 1 week ago

Ibotmealot commented 1 week ago


PyroFishingPro, a plugin similar to this one, has a feature to prevent AFK fishing called crabs. I'm not entirely sure how it works, but I saw it on their Spigot page and it sounds convenient to have. An idea related to this is to require users to click or uncast their rod if they catch a certain item. McMMO also has a similar feature called overfishing, where players need to change their fishing location after every X catches to prevent AFK fishing.

These are just some ideas, but overall, some sort of anti-AFK feature would be neat to see without having to use McMMO or another plugin.