OhhLoz / HLTVBot

A stats based bot using HLTV to display statistics & news for the CS:GO competitive scene.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Results BO3 maps #7

Closed PandaxCSGO closed 5 years ago

PandaxCSGO commented 5 years ago

Hello, on a match in BO3, the maps returned "Not Selected" and on / {team} maps, vertigo send undefined

PandaxCSGO commented 5 years ago

@OhhLoz please can you fix it?

OhhLoz commented 5 years ago

Not Selected means that the api doesnt return a valid map, im not sure what you mean about the vertigo part

PandaxCSGO commented 5 years ago


and can you fix the BO3 maps? @OhhLoz

OhhLoz commented 5 years ago

I see thanks ill take a look, it should definitely be fixed soon in update 1.3.0. I plan to add pages too to reduce message spam. In the BO3 Not Selected is this is future matches to come (.matches/.livematches) or in results? Since for some events the maps arent selected until the match begins so I put the Not Selected for null values.

OhhLoz commented 5 years ago

Also, the undefined there is present in the HLTV api, so I can only assume they are maps that aren't in rotation/played professionally, I've already fixed it but will postpone pushing to the main bot until the pages are working.


PandaxCSGO commented 5 years ago

Je vois que, grâce à la maladie, cela devrait être corrigé prochainement dans la mise à jour 1.3.0. Je prévois d'ajouter des pages aussi pour réduire le spam par message. Dans le BO3 non sélectionné, s'agit-il de correspondances futures à venir (.matches / .livematches) ou de résultats? Comme pour certains événements, les cartes ne sont pas sélectionnées jusqu'à ce que la correspondance commence, je mets donc Non sélectionné pour les valeurs nulles.

its for results @OhhLoz

OhhLoz commented 5 years ago

Resolved in update v1.3.0