OhhLoz / Harvester

A QoL FoundryVTT module to improve the harvesting and looting experience.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add new sheet for better manage harvester and avoid the use o the system.source and system.description.chat field #11

Closed p4535992 closed 1 year ago

p4535992 commented 1 year ago

Problem to link loot to creature I have to use system.source field, not good:

1) I want to be able to link the loot to multiple creatures , for example "meat" is generic to many more creatures and I don't want to create a dedicated meat object for each creature. 2) The reference between harvester loot and creature can't be based on the name, too static and fail with translation the linking must be by refeirming with the uuid 3) Never use default sheet fields for your modules, use appropriate flags instead.

Not sure how to fix this or created a new sheet for loot objects called "ItemSheetHarvester" with which you can drag and drop creatures to link to the harvester object.

I added a currently empty details panel where input fields for object customization should be put, instead of using the "system.description.chat" field.

Let me know what you think.

p4535992 commented 1 year ago

maybe i can do a better job... wait for the next week end

OhhLoz commented 1 year ago

Hey this is really impressive you're clearly more knowledgeable with Foundry than I am.

I completely agree with the duplicate item issue that arises with using the system.source as a lookup, however I was importing from a database using datatoolbox and was limited in my options with being able to fit all the necessary data into each item.

The UUIDs would work with the custom compendiums added by the user as they are dependent on each world, they wouldn't really work with the included Harvest compendium as that compendium is used as a general rule that doesn't need configuring by the user, so if they use an Aboleth for example, they don't need to configure anything as an Aboleth is already matched by name without them having to do link manually.

I did originally want to add an extra sheet to the actor instead of what you've done with the items where you could drag the items onto that custom actor sheet and set the relevant skillchecks & dcs there.

When I imported your changes it had an issue with the final line of the languages/en.json, but removing it I could see everything, it's very promising thank you for your work

p4535992 commented 1 year ago

No difference for me, so by your logic it would be more convenient to customize the character sheet instead of the item sheet ? That is, does it make more sense to drag and drop objects onto the actor than actors onto the object ?

OhhLoz commented 1 year ago

What do you think? It works both ways really, When a DM is setting up their custom harvest tables I feel its easier to go on the Actor to view all the linked items for that actor in one place and you can still link each item to multiple actors without having to modify the items themselves.

This is presuming there is a way to set the DC & Skillcheck on the new Actor sheet alongside linking the items.