OhhLoz / Harvester

A QoL FoundryVTT module to improve the harvesting and looting experience.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Custom Loot Sheets #6

Closed justinthejaguar closed 5 months ago

justinthejaguar commented 1 year ago

How do I do it?

I thought perhaps just creating a loot sheet (I duplicated Drow) with the name of the monster might do it, but that appears incorrect.

OhhLoz commented 1 year ago

All custom harvest tables for Foundry V11 must be inside the "Custom" compendium via the Toggle Edit Lock option.

It should be in the same format as the template included in the "Custom" compendium. It needs the Actor name to be what you wished looked up, then a feature that is named the skill check. image Then it uses each item in its inventory as a harvest drop, the only essential bit being the "DC X" part, replacing that with the DC you wish (the word DC is optional) image

If its not recognised when you add it and Harvest then try refreshing, it should already refresh itself.

justinthejaguar commented 1 year ago

Ah, so can I only set up the harvest tables, and not loot?

Will this reset on update though since it is in the module compendium?

OhhLoz commented 1 year ago

Sorry I must have completely blanked on the word Loot in the title.

You can setup custom Loot tables inside the Loot compendium however that will be reset on updates. So for now I recommend copying an entry from the Loot compendium, editing it to your desired rolls and placing it back inside the Loot compendium whilst retaining a local copy in the world, at least until there are custom loot tables. Loot tables are only for currency.

The Custom compendium won't be overwritten by updates as its a persistent storage compendium. I can almost certainly add the same mechanic for Loot tables, however, it will mean alot of compendium clutter.

justinthejaguar commented 1 year ago

"The Custom compendium won't be overwritten by updates as its a persistent storage compendium. I can almost certainly add the same mechanic for Loot tables, however, it will mean alot of compendium clutter."

That would be awesome, you're module is certainly not the one that I would blame for too many compendiums. Luckily compendium folders are core now haha. So the loot table only really needs the name of the actor and placed in the existing compendium for now?

OhhLoz commented 1 year ago

More or less, it should look similar to below, it doesn't have to be a d100. The description is for the "Loot All Creatures" setting, if it has "true" then it is a typical creature that could reasonably have loot on it, otherwise it should be "false" image It is in a strange format as it was originally going to be displayed in the chat and the user could click on each currency to roll it themselves however it was quite messy.


With the valid currencies on the left-hand side below: image

You can also put multiple rolls in one line or perform arithmetic on them like below: image

OhhLoz commented 1 year ago

I added this in the newest version just out, 1.6.2 You should see a new compendium called "Custom Loot" that won't be affected by updates that you can put custom rolltables in for looting currency.

JackaldaJester commented 1 year ago

Will there only ever be the option to roll for currency? Would it be possible to roll on a table with trinkets?

OhhLoz commented 1 year ago

Will there only ever be the option to roll for currency? Would it be possible to roll on a table with trinkets?

I didn't add the item transfer as other modules do this, hence why I added the option to completely disable the Loot action as the main focus of the module was on the Harvesting.

I could add it in the future but its not currently planned.

JackaldaJester commented 1 year ago

I didn't add the item transfer as other modules do this, hence why I added the option to completely disable the Loot action as the main focus of the module was on the Harvesting.

I could add it in the future but its not currently planned.

That actually makes complete sense and something I just overlooked. Thanks for your hard work, and I look forward to using this module.

p4535992 commented 5 months ago

Other module do this kinda of job we just let the player retrieve item from a actor. Item piles is been massive integrate recently and is good enough for all the use case.