OhhLoz / HoneyPlus

Valheim mod to add new food items surrounding Honey
GNU General Public License v3.0
9 stars 5 forks source link

Food suggestion #28

Closed Killface212 closed 1 year ago

Killface212 commented 1 year ago

Another food suggestion for mistlands stuff, mushroom & lox pie, maybe 1 less loc meat but 1 of each 3 mushrooms and some honey, (needing to be baked in oven) in the use case same ish stat's as loc pie but with some eitr gen, for battle makes, high hp,stam but low eitr for defensive magic

OhhLoz commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the suggestion, I've wanted to add things to do with the oven so this is a good idea. However, I'll likely change the lox meat for hare meat

Killface212 commented 1 year ago

That's good, forgot about hare meat

Killface212 commented 1 year ago

Another idea if you were wanting to add more oven stuff would be carrot cake, seeing they added eggs, eggs flower carrots and some honey (as a sugar replacement) ? Would be a end of plains/mistlands item (eggs require yag to be killed)

Killface212 commented 1 year ago

Could also do blueberry muffins for oven food, have as good stam food like eyescream.

OhhLoz commented 1 year ago

All good ideas thanks

Killface212 commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the suggestion spam, I'm at work board out of my mind with nothing to do and ideas just pop in

OhhLoz commented 1 year ago

No problem I appreciate the input

OhhLoz commented 1 year ago

Hare Pie & Carrot cake added in 4.0.0, thanks!