OiWorld / CarbonFootprint

A Google Chrome browser extension that displays carbon footprint information in Google Maps.
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CarbonFootPrint as a mobile app #135

Open boro741 opened 7 years ago

boro741 commented 7 years ago

CarbonFootPrint as a mobile app would help people to get awareness how much amount of Carbon they are emitting while travelling.

ceilican commented 7 years ago

It would be nice to use the user's location.

I imagine that we could try to figure out (or ask the user) whether he/she is moving by car, bicycle or public transportation and poll his location every few seconds and use the distance travelled to estimate the CO2 emissions. We could show update the CO2 emissions in real time! That could be very impactful. Such an app would be independent of (and different from) the browser extensions.

Kolpa commented 7 years ago


This could be quite relevant

ceilican commented 7 years ago

Interesting, @Kolpa !

boro741 commented 7 years ago

I'm thinking of building with nativescript https://www.nativescript.org/

ceilican commented 7 years ago

Nativescript seems to be a good option. Are there any competing alternatives?

boro741 commented 7 years ago

yeah. React native http://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/getting-started.html .

ceilican commented 7 years ago

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

boro741 commented 7 years ago

Both supports the native API's. What I think the advantage of Native Script is that we can easily build with JavaScript. For React Native it requires knowledge of react.js.

Or, We can go with java but it wouldn't be supporting on cross platform.

heychirag commented 7 years ago

Hi @ceilican,

The app would be great addition to the project!

It would be nice to use the user's location.

I have a slightly different approach to how we may be able to accomplish this. The official Google Maps app from Google tracks down the entire location data of every person and shows a summary of the person's day in the "Your Timeline" pane. I think we may be able to retrieve this data through their APIs. The best part of this would be that we wouldn't have to worry about whether the user is walking, driving or using public transport since we would be relying on Google's efficient algorithms.


Let me know what do you think about this.

ceilican commented 7 years ago

So, it seems that we have three ways of getting the information we need:

1) extracting the information we need from Google Maps app (assuming that it could be done somehow), as suggested by @heychirag .

2) using the Activity Recognition API suggested by @Kolpa .

3) polling location data ourselves and doing the activity recognition and time and distance measurements ourselves.

Regarding option 1: can it be done? Does Google Maps API really make all that information available to other apps?

Regarding option 2: it is clear that the API recognizes the current activity for us. But does it also keep track of time and distance spent on each activity? Or would we have to do that ourselves?

Which of these two solutions is more likely to require less maintenance in the long term?

Kolpa commented 7 years ago

Regarding option one: this would be great but as far as I know Google does not allow for that kind of access to the data. As far as option two is concerned we would need to do our own tracking from the point where the activity changes to driving untill it goes back to something else. Maintenance should not be a huge requirements since the Android API doesn't really deprecate old functions all that fast and the activity detection is very new anyways.

Sorry for the accidental close I hit close and comment accidentally when writing this on mobile

ceilican commented 7 years ago

what is "qfdws"?

Kolpa commented 7 years ago

That was not intended sorry about that I edited the original comment

heychirag commented 7 years ago

Although there is no official API, the data can be scrapped from here


If you have allowed Google to access your location on your mobile, the history can be found in the above link.

Summary -

Option 1:



Option 2:



ceilican commented 7 years ago

From now on, discussion of this issue should continue on this issue in our new issue tracker in GitLab.

ajayrahul97 commented 7 years ago

Hi , I am Ajay Rahul , a sophomore at IIT Roorkee . I am an Android Developer , and i would like to contribute to the Carbon FootPrint for Android project as a part of GSoC 17 . Could you please comment the link for the github repo for the same ?, also , I believe carbon footprint for mobile would create more impact and be more efficient in achieving the objective !

heychirag commented 7 years ago

@ajayrahul97 There is no project repo yet. If you want to work on it, I'll be glad to setup one for you.

ajayrahul97 commented 7 years ago

@heychirag please do so , i am willing to work on it , i will have a look at the chrome extension and try to replicate it and also improvise it as a part of my GSoC 17 program ! Thanks !

DravitLochan commented 7 years ago

Hi! My name is Dravit, a 2nd year undergrad pursuing Computer Science Engineering from Jaypee Institute of Information Technology. It is one cool and interesting idea. I look forward to contribute to Carbon Footprint in GSoC'17.

ceilican commented 7 years ago

Hi @DravitLochan and @ajayrahul97 ! Remember that we moved to http://www.gitlab.com/aossie/CarbonFootprint/ .

ceilican commented 7 years ago

See also the instructions in http://www.aossie.org/ .

shikharbhuddi commented 7 years ago

Hi everyone! Myself Shikhar, undergraduate from BITS Pilani. I find the idea of Carbon Footprint intriguing and I am willing to work on it, with fellow developers as a part of GSoC 2017. I have prior experience in full Android application development lifecycle. I have worked with open source maps libraries as well.

ceilican commented 7 years ago

@Chaitanyachavali : Thank you for your ideas! Could you repost them in our gitlab issue tracker (https://gitlab.com/aossie/CarbonFootprint/issues/137). We are gradually moving from Github to Gitlab.

ceilican commented 7 years ago

@shikharbhuddi : thank for the intro. However, note that you shouldn't use issue trackers for personal introductions. Please have a look on our website (http://www.aossie.org) to find out how to contribute to our projects and communicate with us.

harshitdiwedi03 commented 7 years ago

Hello Everyone! I am a sophomore at IIT Delhi and want to work on this project. I tries searching but couldn't find any repo for it. Can someone please guide me regarding how to start contributing for this project?

thecskc commented 7 years ago

Hi! I'm Krish, a sophomore at NYU. Came across this project and thought it was really cool. I'm gonna apply through the GSOC program. Can anyone let me know how I can join the mailing lists and also as to how I can contribute to the project? Thanks!

ceilican commented 7 years ago

@cskc97 Hi! All the instructions that you need can be found in www.aossie.org .

ankitranjan-dev commented 7 years ago

I am a sophomore at AKTU and eager to contribute to this lovely project through GSoC.