Oimah / Advance_Ruby

advance ruby projects
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interactive programming #1

Open Oimah opened 8 years ago

Oimah commented 8 years ago

Write a program interactively, through the command line Enter a blank line to evaluate. Enter ‘q’ to quit.


DOkwufulueze commented 8 years ago

Good one Obi. :+1:

Do the following code standardization so we can close this: @input2 = "" : separate terms with an underscore.

def self.run_snippet(snipet)

Leave a white space between the end of a method and the start of the next one.

Oimah commented 8 years ago


DOkwufulueze commented 8 years ago

Please leave an empty line at the end of main.rb file. This instruction wasn't given here initially since it was given somewhere else and it was advised that you replicate the correction everywhere else in your work.

Please replicate this correction of empty white space at the end of a file on all files that are yet to have this correction effected.