Okabintaro / SubmersedVR

A Subnautica VR mod aiming to bring full motion controler support and common VR mechanics to the game.
MIT License
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How to recharge a device? #18

Closed Patola closed 1 year ago

Patola commented 1 year ago

I can't figure this out, sorry if it's obvious and I can't see it. I hold the device in my right hand (e.g. the scanner) and I press the left controller [A] button, I see the old battery and a new battery I have in my inventory. But I can't click on any of them, I can't figure out how to select it for it to be replaced.

Okabintaro commented 1 year ago

You should be able to use the left joystick to cycle in the menu and then click A on the right controller to swap them. There is no laserpointer or touch UI for that yet.

Patola commented 1 year ago

Tried just that, doesn't seem to work. I am using Valve Index knuckles. The left controller works correctly for turning, when I have the seaglider at my hand and press the left controller A button it shows a "X" at the left, my depleted battery at the center and a charged battery at the right. I tried pressing the left controller joystick in all directions, nothing happens, nothing is selected and pressing left A again just turns off the battery overlay. Also tried using the right controller joystick or other controls but nothing seems to select the battery to replace. I can send a screenshot if it would get easier to understand.

Okabintaro commented 1 year ago

That's weird because there have been other users with the knuckles and they seemed to have no issue. Have you maybe changed the default bindings? Please take a look at your controller bindings in SteamVR and make sure the Cycle Next Tool/Upgrade/Battery action is bound properly.

Patola commented 1 year ago

Will do, thanks. I'm using Linux, maybe that did something different. Nevertheless, will check the bindings.

Okabintaro commented 1 year ago

Oh, you have success running Subnautica on Linux? That's awesome. For me I got really bad reprojection errors due to a VSync bug and ALVR. I would love to test and develop on Linux too.

Feel free to reach out on Discord: I'm Okabintaro#4177 on there.

Patola commented 1 year ago

Hey, you were right. The left stick was set only to "work as left stick" and no extra binding. I understand what you said to map joystick left to "left+previous tool" and joystick right to "right+next tool" (I don't recall the wording on the input setup screen) but I though better to map left joystick click to "left+previous tool" and right joystick click to "right+next tool", everything works nice on this configuration and that solved my problem. I was also able to better understand the bindings, e.g. right controller touchpad south as "deconstruct" which was something I wasn't able to do so far.

Okabintaro commented 1 year ago

Glad you got it working 👍🏼