Okpainmo / Reactify

Reactify is an opensource/Hacktoberfest project that is primarily built to help people learn ReactJs and NextJs. It's an amazing opensource project for contributors(writer, developers, and technical writers) to make impact primarily in the ReactJs Ecosystem.
MIT License
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CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md file for the reactify-reactjs branch. #1

Open Okpainmo opened 1 year ago

Okpainmo commented 1 year ago

Please add a CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md file to the reactify-reactjs branch.

Reactify is a project which meets one of the very strategic values of Hacktoberfest 2022 - SHORT-TERM ACTION, LONG-TERM IMPACT. This project continues even after Hacktoberfest ends, hence the need to have a very clear code of conduct for all contributors/maintainers of the project to abide by.

Find some help with resolving this issue by reading the Reactify-project release article and by using the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.

The code of conduct should be added in markdown format with the file name as "CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md". It should be as neat as possible - every reasonable colourful additions are however welcomed.

Please make reference to the CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md file on the main branch. However, An improved and more colourful version than the one on the main branch will be ideal - the one on this project is a very good example.