Okpainmo / Reactify

Reactify is an opensource/Hacktoberfest project that is primarily built to help people learn ReactJs and NextJs. It's an amazing opensource project for contributors(writer, developers, and technical writers) to make impact primarily in the ReactJs Ecosystem.
MIT License
2 stars 3 forks source link

Contribution to reactify through shared post on twitter #10

Closed MarsIncarnate closed 1 year ago

MarsIncarnate commented 1 year ago

Sharer name: Adeogun Marvellous Github username of Sharer: MarsIncarnate Publicity medium: Twitter URL/Link to shared content: shared content

MarsIncarnate commented 1 year ago

Hello @Okpainmo, could you merge my PR?

Okpainmo commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot @MarsIncarnate for the contribution. You've done a great job. But please read the PUBLICITY.md file that is on the main branch to better understand how to finish up this contribution, and to help you contribute more by sharing further on social media or otherwise.

Meanwhile, follow the instructions below to finish up this pull request quickly. Hacktoberfest 2022 ends today.

Thanks a lot.