Okpainmo / Reactify

Reactify is an opensource/Hacktoberfest project that is primarily built to help people learn ReactJs and NextJs. It's an amazing opensource project for contributors(writer, developers, and technical writers) to make impact primarily in the ReactJs Ecosystem.
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An introduction to Javascript libraries/frameworks #6

Open Okpainmo opened 1 year ago

Okpainmo commented 1 year ago

This issue is a topic-issue.

Please write and contribute a technical article on this topic - "An introduction to Javascript libraries/frameworks", to the "reactify-reactjs" branch.

Do you have an already published article on that topic or a very related topic? go ahead and contribute all the same. Awaiting your PR.

Sathasivamthirumoorthi commented 1 year ago

i like to work on this

Okpainmo commented 1 year ago

@Sathasivamthirumoorthi Thanks for your interest towards contributing to Reactify. please go ahead and take it on. Please do remember to take your time to write a very informative and interesting article. Remember to use graphic illustrations like screenshots as much as possible. In case you already have a published one, go ahead and contribute it.

You can read the Reactify project release article, to get more detail on how to contribute.

Thanks a lot @Sathasivamthirumoorthi, I'll be anticipating your PR.

Okpainmo commented 1 year ago

Please @Sathasivamthirumoorthi do well to add some code to the tutorial - simply try to show how react components are created and used. Just do your best on it sir, I'll be counting on you.

Also remember to add the code to a repository - you'll need to add the repo link to your submissions.
