Okpainmo / Reactify

Reactify is an opensource/Hacktoberfest project that is primarily built to help people learn ReactJs and NextJs. It's an amazing opensource project for contributors(writer, developers, and technical writers) to make impact primarily in the ReactJs Ecosystem.
MIT License
2 stars 3 forks source link

publicity.md #9

Closed ijayhub closed 1 year ago

Okpainmo commented 1 year ago

Hey @ijayhub you've done a great job, but you need to make some improvements. Please follow these simple steps to finish up.

Thanks a lot.

ijayhub commented 1 year ago

have done that pls could you recheck

Okpainmo commented 1 year ago

Hi @ijayhub weldone. But you still need a fix. You shouldn't delete everything in the PUBLICITY.md file like you did. You should simply leave everything as it is, and just update the table of contributors with your own details. Check out this screenshot from this other contribution. Screenshot_20221031-121905