OlaWod / FreeVC

FreeVC: Towards High-Quality Text-Free One-Shot Voice Conversion
MIT License
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How to start inference example? #83

Open asusdisciple opened 8 months ago

asusdisciple commented 8 months ago

When I do:

inference with FreeVC

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python convert.py --hpfile logs/freevc.json --ptfile checkpoints/freevc.pth --txtpath convert.txt --outdir outputs/freevc

How do I get the freevc.json and freevc.pth checkpoint if I did not do any training before? I downloaded the wavlm and hifigan models. Should i replace those paths with one of that models, because when I do that I get the error:

    hps.data.filter_length // 2 + 1,
AttributeError: 'HParams' object has no attribute 'data'
sajjadGG commented 6 months ago

You can download the freevc.pth form here and json file is in the configs