In 227k 2023-04-04, UnrealShare.ArbitItem.CheckReplacement.BeginState uses the following for loop:
for (i=0; i< numItems; i++)
// spawn item
currentItem = spawn(SpawnItem[i], Owner, Tag, Location, Rotation);
//if (currentItem != None) Level.Game.IsRelevant(currentItem);
if (bDebug) log("CURRENT ITEM ===== "$i@CurrentItem,'ARBITITEM');
if ((currentItem == None) || (currentItem.bDeleteMe))
// item was replaced
currentItem = findReplacedItem();
if (currentItem == none) // item was either destroyed or replaced by a non-Item
else // enter the class of the new item in the original's place
SpawnItem[i] = currentItem.class;
if (currentItem != None) currentItem.destroy();
In case if removeItem(i) is called, i is still incremented by means of i++, despite the fact that the next item with index i + 1 was moved to the position i, so this next item is not checked then.
A possible resolution could be replacing expression removeItem(i) with removeItem(i--).
In 227k 2023-04-04, UnrealShare.ArbitItem.CheckReplacement.BeginState uses the following for loop:
In case if removeItem(i) is called, i is still incremented by means of i++, despite the fact that the next item with index i + 1 was moved to the position i, so this next item is not checked then.
A possible resolution could be replacing expression removeItem(i) with removeItem(i--).