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[469-RC4] Localization problems in the Portugese-Brazil files #1071

Open thiagoobr opened 1 year ago

thiagoobr commented 1 year ago


edit the text of mutators of the system folder exemple:

I translated the text into my PT-BR language, but when opening the game it caused an error in the characters.

already if I translate anything in it works normally \UnrealTournament_TESTE\SystemLocalized\ptt the characters

Object=(Name=HumiliationV2.HumiliationMutator,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.Mutator,Description="Humilhação com Martelo!")

HumiliationV2 to Humilhação com Martelo!

look pic exemple!


stijn-volckaert commented 1 year ago

The link you posted no longer works. Could you describe the problem or upload an attachment please?

If you're editing localization files, keep in mind that you have to save them with a byte order mark (BOM).

Most editors, including Notepad++, can save files with a BOM. In Notepad++, you will have to manually select the correct encoding, however:


thiagoobr commented 1 year ago

hi, I updated the photo for you See...

the original file..

[Public] Object=(Name=HumiliationV2.HumiliationMutator,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.Mutator,Description="HumiliationV2!")

edited file:

[Public] Object=(Name=HumiliationV2.HumiliationMutator,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.Mutator,Description="Humilhação com Martelo!")

erro pic!


thiagoobr commented 1 year ago
