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Palette Botpack.Skins.Palette413 error happening quite often #1079

Closed An0th3rOne closed 1 year ago

An0th3rOne commented 1 year ago

have been getting the above error from players trying to connect to server on quite a few occasions. Palette Botpack Skins Palette413 never had this error before.. also happened on 469b.

SeriousBarbie commented 1 year ago

Looks like a file mismatch. See also UT99.org. Or/and related to https://github.com/OldUnreal/UnrealTournamentPatches/issues/51

SeriousBuggie commented 1 year ago

Need more info. What server version. What client. AFAIK @CacoFFF ask for tell him such stuff if this happen. He his few similar problems in conform packages.

An0th3rOne commented 1 year ago

469 clients so far , also happens randomly , sometimes fine other times error palette. server running 469c rc4

An0th3rOne commented 1 year ago

This is happening when UltimateNewNet is loaded on server.. so that could be cause.

An0th3rOne commented 1 year ago


An0th3rOne commented 1 year ago

this error happens when 469a clients try to connect to server while UN1m is loaded.

stijn-volckaert commented 1 year ago

This happened because the ucc conform commandlet (which we use to ensure unrealscript packages remain network compatible with prior versions) did not conform palette names properly. We fixed the issue in 469b, though, so these clients should simply upgrade to 469b.

dov910 commented 1 year ago

Authors please preserve the old palette names for the future release, because editing 1000 of package is not possible, but I can fix this for UltimateNewNet, I also fixed this issue for Monster Match.

An0th3rOne commented 1 year ago

might write a little blurb on ut99.org later to this effect so that if anyone googles Palette Error UT99 there's an answer for them

An0th3rOne commented 1 year ago


CacoFFF commented 1 year ago

A bit of history:

I found the issue because of dynamic textures (scripted, water, etc) in Siege and some other mods, if you create a texture that references something from Botpack, UnrealI, etc rather than a .utx package, you'll end up loading the texture's palette as well.

The problem with that is that when you rebuild any of the original .u packages, the palette names will get scrambled. This issue was already happening with some v436 clients as well (especially the ones with japanese or hacked/cheat UT's).

To avoid palette name scrambling I added a new functionality to package conform where all textures in the new version will have their palettes renamed to the same names as the palettes from the old version (that involves a lot of name swapping).

As @stijn-volckaert mentioned, the new batch of fixed packages didn't come until v469b so anyone using UT v469a (or the betas) will have problems joining either v436, v451 or v469b/c servers where palettes are referenced.

Simply, have all clients upgrade to v469b.