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[469c] Low gravity affects players differently in LAN games? #1207

Open ixwichs opened 1 year ago

ixwichs commented 1 year ago

hi guys! me and my brother are playing UT over LAN since over a year using your current patches and we only play on Hyperblast 1v1. I am hosting the games and my brother then joins. Now when we are fighting outside in low gravity, he complains, that he is way more often shot into space when rockets hit close to him, than i am. could there be something to it? are you more likely to be shot into space when you are already in the air, than when you are on the ground, when the rockets impact close by? could it be affected by him having a ping of 44 and me as the host having 0? thx already! :)

SeriousBuggie commented 1 year ago

I suggest you start dedic server and connect to it in same way as your friend connect to you. It make much more fair conditions. Also you can even run your client with -pktlag=40 option for make additional ping delay and equal conditions.