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[469d] arm64 (Raspberry Pi OS bullseye) No Font rendering #1479

Open bjb43 opened 9 months ago

bjb43 commented 9 months ago


Hi, with the recent v469d on a fresh raspberry pi os (bullseye on a PI 3B) install, I am getting no font rendering (menu and ingame). Is this maybe related to https://github.com/OldUnreal/UnrealTournamentPatches/issues/1080 or could I be missing some library on the host install?

This is vanilla OS install and vanilla v469, frst startup, no manual change of settings.

Many thanks in advance!

stijn-volckaert commented 9 months ago

Did you delete LadderFonts.utx and UWindowsFonts.utx from the Textures folder you copied over from your existing installation?

bjb43 commented 9 months ago

Thanks for your response, but I'm afraid I don't follow. I used the arm64 tar from github, extracted and copied all included files over to a vanilla steam version of the game. So I assume the *utx Files you're referring to were - as included in the arm64 tar - copied over to the ut99 install. Should I not have copied those maybe? Thanks again!

stijn-volckaert commented 9 months ago

The installation procedure you're describing should work fine. Could you check your game log to see if there are any errors? The file should be in ~/.utpg/System/

bjb43 commented 9 months ago

There are only 2 types of errors present

The latter is - I assume - not relevant; the former appears 8 times, but there is no further context (I'll add the log once I've copied it over from my raspberry pi). Sorry not to have more hints :/

stijn-volckaert commented 9 months ago

The GL_INVALID_ENUM error could very well explain this problem. Could you try switching to XOpenGLDrv? You can do this by setting the GameRenderDevice key in the [Engine.Engine] section of your game in to XOpenGLDrv.XOpenGLRenderDevice.

bjb43 commented 9 months ago

Thank you! Unfortunately, changing to XOpenGLDrv doesn't let the game start at all (with the classical opengl it runs really well besides the font issue). I would guess the raspberry 3b is missing some ogl extension? I'll try upgrading from raspbian/debian 11 to raspbian/debian 12. Maybe updated userland will help. I'll report back.

bjb43 commented 9 months ago

Same with Raspbian/Debian 12 unfortunately. Interestingly: The console font (the prompt you get when using in game tab key and the one showing timdemo stats) reappears once setting the resolution to 640x480. With 1024x768 also the console font is missing.

BatMahn commented 8 months ago

Gave this a go on a Pi 5. Game launches properly once (after adding my 1440p resolution to the config file). I can start a game, everything is good. Subsequent runs, I get no text menus at all.. so I can't start/resume or even quit without alt-tabbing out.

stijn-volckaert commented 7 months ago

Could you check the performance tab in the Raspberry Pi Configuration tool and check how much memory your GPU has? I set mine to 256Mb

BatMahn commented 7 months ago

I don't think the Pi5 has that setting anymore?

bjb43 commented 7 months ago

I set my gpu memory to 256mb, unfortunately this didn't change anything.

bjb43 commented 7 months ago

I don't think the Pi5 has that setting anymore?

If it's not in the raspi-config tool, try setting it via config.txt

BatMahn commented 7 months ago

I don't think the Pi5 has that setting anymore?

If it's not in the raspi-config tool, try setting it via config.txt

Nah, it's ignored now apparently on the 5.


stijn-volckaert commented 7 months ago

Could you upload your UnrealTournament.ini please?

bjb43 commented 7 months ago

Could you upload your UnrealTournament.ini please?


Thank you! Attached is the INI-File (added a .txt so I could upload here). I think it's pretty much auto generated. Let me know if you need more!