OldUnreal / UnrealTournamentPatches

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[469b] Add console commands which remove bots from match #240

Open SeriousBuggie opened 3 years ago

SeriousBuggie commented 3 years ago

For add bots to match exists two commands: https://wiki.beyondunreal.com/Legacy:Console_Commands/Admin_Console_Commands

AddBots <number> 
    This command adds a number of "bots" to the level. It may not work in Devastation (I've not tried).
AddBotNamed <botname> 
    This command adds a single bot of the name you specify. For example - AddBotNamed malcolm would add Malcolm to the current game.

So need add opposite commands for remove bots. For example as:

RemoveBots <number> 
    This command remove a number of "bots" to the level. 
RemoveBotNamed <botname> 
    This command remove a single bot of the name you specify. For example - RemoveBotNamed malcolm would remove Malcolm from the current game.
wallabra commented 3 years ago

There is killall bots to remove all bots, and if I recall correctly kick <playername> affects botmatches too.

SeriousBuggie commented 3 years ago

KillAll Bot help for remove all bots form level. Kick <botname> not help because bot kicked but instantly another enter to server:

> kick Nikita
Buggie kicked Nikita  from DM-Deck16-][bots2_8.unr
Nikita left the game.
Zenith entered the game.

Another way manage bot count: set DeathMatchPlus MinPlayers 3 But you need know actual player count. After that if no bot killed, you can kick specified bot and new not enter.

wallabra commented 3 years ago

Yeah, that is a good point. It's still not very convenient.

I think the changes you requested would need direct modifications to the TournamentGameInfo class to add commands (exec functions), and it would inevitably break compatibility with older versions like v436. I don't think they are allowed to mess with the UnrealScript side of things, at least for existing classes, but I might be wrong.