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[469b] Ued - The red Pivot cursor does not allow you to select things underneath it. #869

Open BerserkerBG opened 2 years ago

BerserkerBG commented 2 years ago

I hope someone fixes this issue. The red Pivot cursor can not let you select actors and vertex points under it and many mistakes happen when you're not paying attention.

Scenario 1: If the Pivot cursor is slightly away from the Origin point of brush, you can not select the Origin point or snap it back to the grid, because Pivot cursor is on top of the Origin point. Here is a video demonstrating what happens when the pivot cursor is offset and you try to snap the brush to the grid: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/58362332/174192394-faaa6469-3fd3-4075-81ca-74c780529189.mp4

Scenario 2: If you have an actor like PlayerStart and there is a Pivot cursor in front of it, you cannot select the PlayerStart actor, because the Pivot cursor is blocking it. Screenshot_2219 Screenshot_2220

BerserkerBG commented 7 months ago

More examples with vertex editing:



Very annoying bug

SeriousBuggie commented 7 months ago

Buggie — Berserker click on pivot not make any sense at all?

Berserker — Yeah It's not needed at all

Buggie — I guess it can be make transparent for clicks then

Berserker — actually, it makes sense for meshes or actors like light, if bEdShouldSnap=True. When you right click on the pivot it should snap to the grid. This is not issue for brushes at all since they already have origin point and vertex points visible. However meshes or sprites dont have a visible origin point so it relies on pivot when snapping

  1. for actors other than brushes maybe we can remove LMB click on pivot, but keep RMB click on pivot for snapping.
  2. for brushes I see no point in click on pivot for both LMB and RMB.