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[469b] LevelInfo.Song = Music'Credits.Trophy' goes to None on load level #909

Open SeriousBuggie opened 2 years ago

SeriousBuggie commented 2 years ago


  1. Start in UT MissedMusic.zip

Expected result: You hear Music'Credits.Trophy' Actual result: Silence.

If you rename file to Trophy.umx it will play.

Affected: OpenAL, Cluster, Galaxy.

SeriousBuggie commented 2 years ago

Hm. When you save level Song goes to None. img img

So now steps for reproduce goes to:

  1. Load in UnrealEd MissedMusic.zip
  2. Open Music Credits.umx (stock file)
  3. Fill LevelInfo.Song with Music'Credits.Trophy'
  4. Save map.
  5. Open map again.

Expected result: LevelInfo.Song = Music'Credits.Trophy' Actual result: LevelInfo.Song = None

SeriousBuggie commented 2 years ago

Nope. LevelInfo.Song saved into file. But not able be properly loaded... UTPT show: info here. img

Also issue exists in v469c, v469b, v436.

SeriousBuggie commented 2 years ago

I even see in log load this package after load map: DevLoad: Loading: Package Credits (OFC for see this need disable Suppress=DevLoad in UT.ini)

SeriousBuggie commented 2 years ago

It is not about mismatch song name and package. It is About exactly Credits.Trophy music file. When it is named as Credits. If rename it to Credits_test - it is work fine.

SeriousBuggie commented 2 years ago

It is happens because in stock UT exists credits.utx and credits.umx. So on try load level it goes for load credits.utx, not found music here and set it to None.

SeriousBuggie commented 2 years ago

Possible need make some workaround on native part, especially for this files, when try load it. Since it stock files.

Or not touch it. Miss music not so big deal as miss textures.

stijn-volckaert commented 2 years ago

This is not easy to fix so don't expect this one for 469c