Closed ldci closed 4 months ago
OK problem corrected with your version 👍
No problem when using your Don't work when I'm using sources and siskin .
Problem solved : macOS codesign. I've to desactivate export SISKIN_SIGN_IDENTITY=DEF212C364479537542FEB630620CDE0C7CECAD3
in my .profile when compiling your sources with siskin
The issue probably is, that all my builds are signed with my (personal) developer's identity, which your system don't know and so probably don't trust.. or application signed with my identity don't trust an extension, which you build yourself and is signed with yours (if you have SISKIN_SIGN_IDENTITY
Possible solution is to resign my binaries you use with your identity with command like:
/usr/bin/codesign --force -s $MACOS_IDENTITY_ID ./tree/rebol/Rebol/build/rebol3-base-macos-x64 -v
would be your identity which is probably DEF212C364479537542FEB630620CDE0C7CECAD3
So in your case the command would be:
/usr/bin/codesign --force -s DEF212C364479537542FEB630620CDE0C7CECAD3 ./tree/rebol/Rebol/build/rebol3-base-macos-x64 -v
Just for a record, one can use this command to find personal signing identities:
security find-identity -v -p codesigning
Some modules such as blend2D do not work with Rebol3-3.18.0 version.