OlegTolochko / UnderwaterRestaurantGame

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Network infrastructure threading on Server #6

Open UraniumDonut opened 1 year ago

UraniumDonut commented 1 year ago

Add threading by doing this (chatgpt)

Threading: Instead of using a global variable to control the threads, consider using a threading library to control the threads in a more efficient and thread-safe way. Here is an example of how you could modify your code to use the threading library:

def listenThread():
    while keep_running:

listen_thread = threading.Thread(target=listenThread, daemon=True)

def flushThread():
    while keep_running:
        for buffer in bufferlist:
            if buffer.buffer != "S":

flush_thread = threading.Thread(target=flushThread, daemon=True)

In this example, the listenThread function and the flushThread function are run on separate threads using the Thread class from the threading library.