It's because the achievements needs to be registered at init time but they are indented under if not persistent.achievements_dict: so when reloading the game they are not registered.
The solution is to outdent it like this:
# Define your achievements here
if not persistent.achievements_dict:
persistent.achievements_dict = {"*achievent_name*": {"type": 0, # One time achievent
"title": "Котик!", # Also neame for steam
"text": "А где же блины?", # description
"icon": "images/icons/ach1.png" # 96x96 image
"*achievent_name*": {"type": 1, # Progress achievent
"title": "",
"text": "",
"icon": "images/icons/ach.png",
"cur_prog": , # current progress
"max_prog": # maximal progress
for i, a in persistent.achievements_dict.items(): ###### Outdent this block.
if a['type'] == 0:
achievement.register(i, steam=a['title'])
if a['type'] == 1:
achievement.register(i, steam=a['title'], stat_max=a['max_prog'])
It's because the achievements needs to be registered at init time but they are indented under
if not persistent.achievements_dict:
so when reloading the game they are not registered.The solution is to outdent it like this: