OlehKozlov / MadFood

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UML Class diagrams #13

Open OlehKozlov opened 7 years ago

OlehKozlov commented 7 years ago


Created uml class diagrams. In the root i have "App" java class and four packages: "database", "models", "ui" and "utils". There are two classes "DatabaseConfigurator" and "RealmManager" in the "database" package. These classes designed for connection and work with Realm darabase. In the "models" package I have classes that need to work with the information stored in the database. Each class presents to a separate table and fields of class presents to a separate columns in the tables. In the "ui" package I have classes for activity and fragments, and package for adapters. In the "utils" package I have two classes: DebugLogger for writing logs in console; RecyclerViewUtil for showing information using RecyclerView.