Oleksandren / LoginScreen

The project contain an login screen which was developed as test project, and then little bit modified and improved. The Login screen contain few UITextField for input login and password, three button for sign in via facebook/twitter/google plus (further in the text as the 'social btns'). If user tapped any text field, social btns will be hidden. Instead social btns will be showed button 'SIGN IN', for apply inputted data. All changes are animated. If tapped any social btns - will be hidden text fields, and instead showed brief info about selected account (avatar and user name). All changes are also animated. In this project represented only animation, little bit customizing UITextField appearance, and handling user interactions.
58 stars 13 forks source link

very beautiful but... #2

Open tosslife opened 7 years ago

tosslife commented 7 years ago

this project very nice ,but seems a little bug! do you test on phone?

this UIView+Animation.swift on line 28 guard hide == Bool(self.alpha == 1) else { return } will be right

and three button for sign in via facebook/google plus anima unnatural

Oleksandren commented 7 years ago

Yep, you're right. Fixed this bug. Thank you!

About the following bug:

and three button for sign in via facebook/google plus anima unnatural

currently I haven't time to fix it. I'll try fix it soon.