Oleksii-Kshenskyi / btagsil

BTAGSIL = a Bullshit Text Adventure Game where Sky Is the Limit
MIT License
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Research and develop the new concept for the game in the new language #28

Closed Oleksii-Kshenskyi closed 1 year ago

Oleksii-Kshenskyi commented 1 year ago

Even though nothing is ready yet, the game has gone through quite a development hell already. I'd started implementing it in Rust, then realized it was a bad idea, then spent 3 months figuring out which language to switch to, then made the switch based on my gut instead, effectively discarding the 3 months of experiments.

However, with the new language/technology of implementation, comes the new concept.

Once there is an idea and I've reached any kind of conclusion, I should document it here before closing this issue and moving forward.

Oleksii-Kshenskyi commented 1 year ago

This issue is a blocker, meaning it prevents me from working on anything else before I make the decision here.

Oleksii-Kshenskyi commented 1 year ago

The decision has been made, even though it's not 100% detailed, a lot of issues are going to come up, I'm going to try and solve them when I get to them. The decision is as follows:

  1. Use C++ as the programming language.
  2. Use the following libraries: FTXUI for the TUI, Boost for parsing, string utilities etc. (Boost.Spirit, string utils and Boost.HOF mostly). Probably going to need a few more libraries, we'll see how things go.
  3. Try using CMake's FetchContent functionality, see how it goes. If it doesn't work properly, use vcpkg.
  4. Start by creating the same kind of prototype you've already created with other languages, but randomized: a few possible room types, a few possible object/entity/monster types, a few possible item types. Then try to mix and match them to create a functioning prototype. See how this goes and continue based on what comes of it.