Olen / homeassistant-plant

Alternative Plant component of home assistant
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Hard error on HA 2024.6 in `custom_components.plant.group` #168

Closed hmmbob closed 1 month ago

hmmbob commented 1 month ago

Got a hard error in my logs on HA 2024.6.0b4, even though that the component seems to work. I'm running v2024.5.0beta1 version of your component.

Exception in <function _process_group_platform at 0x7f5c81ffe3e0> when processing platform 'group': (, 'plant', <module 'custom_components.plant.group' from '/config/custom_components/plant/group.py'>) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/group/registry.py", line 44, in _process_group_platform platform.async_describe_on_off_states(hass, registry) File "/config/custom_components/plant/group.py", line 15, in async_describe_on_off_states registry.on_off_states({STATE_OK}, STATE_PROBLEM) TypeError: GroupIntegrationRegistry.on_off_states() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'default_on_state' and 'off_state'

To my understanding, this is different than #167

kauthmbt commented 1 month ago

possibly related to this change