Olen / homeassistant-plant

Alternative Plant component of home assistant
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Gardena Sensor for Soil humidity is not recognized as entity for the setup and can't be used #170

Closed DNier closed 3 weeks ago

DNier commented 3 weeks ago

I use the GARDENA smart Sensor from Gardena. The Soil humidity from those sensors doesn't show up in the setup dropdown:


Olen commented 3 weeks ago

Open a bug with the gardena integration to make it use the right device class for its sensors

DNier commented 3 weeks ago
  1. Not realy helpful to point to other integrations. Maybe Gardena does it wrong, but for me as a user I don't care who makes the mistake. I want to use the stuff. It worked before and is now broken.
  2. What would be the "right" device class other than moisture?
Olen commented 3 weeks ago
  1. Not really helpful to behave entitled like this. Yes. Gardena probably does it wrong. Ask them to fix it. I am not going to break this integration to accomodate some other integration that does not work correctly,.
  2. The list of device classes for sensors is available here: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/sensor
slaxor505 commented 1 week ago

@DNier I suggest to use Sensor replacement service as workaround. Just add any available sensor in the setup and then use the service replace the sensor to "unrecognizable" Gardena one. I think it should work until Gardena fixes their classes.


DNier commented 1 week ago

@DNier I suggest to use Sensor replacement service as workaround. Just add any available sensor in the setup and then use the service replace the sensor to "unrecognizable" Gardena one. I think it should work until Gardena fixes their classes.


This is realy helpful. Thanks for this Information. Works for me!