Olen / lovelace-flower-card

Lovelace Flower Card to match the custom plant integration
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Battery sensor #12

Closed toedtling closed 2 years ago

toedtling commented 2 years ago

Any Documentation how to enable?

moh-Brent commented 2 years ago

Battery info doesn't come though on BLE

iMiMx commented 2 years ago

I am currently using a binary template sensor, to check the RSSI - if it's over 3 minutes since it last updated, then it's likely dead:

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Sundew 3 - Battery"
        device_class: battery
        value_template: >-
          {% if ((as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.sensor.ble_rssi_sundew_3.last_changed))) | round(0) > 180 %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %} 

This updated integration looks for a sensor, however, so is looking for a numerical value - when I add:

battery_sensor: binary_sensor.ble_battery_sundew_3

to the Lovelace card, I get off% - i.e the binary_sensor is off, because it is updating/changing and the battery is not dead. Would it be possible to support binary_sensor battery class?

For now, I shall probably adjust the template sensor to be a 'sensor' not binary_sensor to report 100 or 0

iMiMx commented 2 years ago

This 'works' for me - to show a battery class, % measurements - but as a sensor not binary_sensor, but does not seem to show on the card, will have to check further later

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Venus Flytrap 1 - Battery"
        unit_of_measurement: "%"
        device_class: battery
        value_template: >-
          {% if ((as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.sensor.ble_rssi_venus_flytrap_1.last_changed))) | round(0) > 180 %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %} 

Changed name to 'fake_' to avoid clashes with actual battery (if present) - but doesn't seem to show on the (updated) card:

type: custom:flower-card
entity: plant.venus_fly_trap_1
  - illuminance
  - dli
  - temperature
  - conductivity
  - moisture
battery: sensor.ble_fake_battery_venus_flytrap_1

UPDATE: Doh, battery_sensor, not battery, works now.

type: custom:flower-card
entity: plant.venus_fly_trap_1
  - illuminance
  - dli
  - temperature
  - conductivity
  - moisture
battery_sensor: sensor.ble_fake_battery_venus_flytrap_1
Olen commented 2 years ago

Any Documentation how to enable?

Just add

battery_sensor: sensor.whatever_battery_sensor_you_want

to the card config.

chucknorris101 commented 1 year ago

My battery icon is also not appearing - what is the format expected for the sensor? I have a template sensor set up for either % or unitless battery % and neither seems to mesh

type: custom:flower-card entity: plant.swedish_ivy show_bars:

Olen commented 1 year ago

It expects a sensor that has a state which is a number between 0 and 100. Make sure you have control of your whitespace as it is important in yaml.