Olezen / UnitySourceMovement

Source engine-like movement in Unity, based on Fragsurf by cr4yz (Jake E.).
MIT License
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Surfing Physics Issue #31

Open WyattBradshaw opened 9 months ago

WyattBradshaw commented 9 months ago

Not sure if anyone will answer but please I beg! Jokes aside when I take this controller to a steep incline or platform that should be surfable they either end up slipping to the ground or just standing on it. How am I supposed to make the cubes surfable?

LunaticReisen commented 6 months ago

I have the same issue , I try to use 2023.2.7f1c and 2022.3.8f1c1 to test the scripts , but it doesn't work , the player object just slipping to the ground

DaTruPro commented 2 months ago

I have the same issue, but rotating the platforms to angle downwards, as well as changing the angle of the surfing platform from being exactly 45 degrees to slightly over (I use 50) helps.