Olf0 / sfos-upgrade

Upgrading SailfishOS fail-safe and semi-automated at the command line
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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[Suggestion] Save zypper package cache before installing #102

Closed nephros closed 1 year ago

nephros commented 1 year ago


Having gone through a bumpy upgrade process from a SFOS 1.x release to current on a Jolla Tablet, the idea arose that, as the upgrade process basically does

  1. download packages to temporary cache directory
  2. install everything from that cache to system
  3. delete the cache

... and repeats that process every time a particular update step is performed, why not skip step 1. by having the option to supply a prepopulated cache directory.


Consider the case of a J1 or Tablet which has been reset to factory.

One would now go through the step releases to update to a certain target release. It's likely one has performed such an update previously, and it's likely the packages needed to do the upgrade have not changed since the last time.

So in case a (large enough) SD card is available, that could be used to persist the cache dir for every (stop) release, and supply it for repeated from-factory-reset upgrade tasks.

Olf0 commented 1 year ago

Definitely an interesting idea. Though I wonder if that is worth the effort, because …

Furthermore, I have never analysed where version --dup downloads the packages to and I have no idea how to trick it into using a local source for packages it installs.

And such a feature may collide with one or both points (each in one message) of issue #82 (which is on my ToDo-list for the upcoming months): This would have to be properly analysed and maybe a workaround can be found for this idea to work, when these are implemented.

Also I always avoided to install any packages for sfos-upgrade as dependencies, so using zypper is out of scope.

Still I will do my best to keep these old devices and this specific use case (upgrading to a recent SFOS release after a factory reset) well supported, so thank you very much for verifying that this still works with a Jolla 1 and a Jolla Tablet.

All in all I do not want to implement this, but contributions are welcome as usual, as long they heed aforementioned constraints.

Olf0 commented 1 year ago

Additionally to the aforementioned points in my previous message, …

Consider the case of a J1 or Tablet which has been reset to factory.

One would now go through the st[o]p releases to update to a certain target release. It's likely one has performed such an update previously, and it's likely the packages needed to do the upgrade have not changed since the last time.

I doubt that the statement "It's likely one has performed such an update previously, …" really applies to many, rather very few.

Hence closing.