Olganix / Sw_Racer

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Review method of UV conversion #32

Open JayFoxRox opened 6 years ago

JayFoxRox commented 6 years ago

I think uv/0xFFFF*16 might be more accurate. But more testing (or research) has to be done.

One of the models had a lot of U values on the right side of the texture at 256.06 (not that this value is already rounded!). If we undo our current action and apply the proposed formula, we get: (256.06*0xFFF)/0xFFFF*16 = 256.0014 (also rounded). That's closer to the expected 0x100.

Olganix commented 6 years ago

with some ressource, I could have the right espected UV on each points (on few part, I can't do that on all), so I will confirm taht, or find witch is the right UV conversion.

Olganix commented 6 years ago

on the middle of trying to rebuild models, the first model witch have trouble on rebuild Uv, it's thte model 6 (Sebulba). So it's the right time to check this, to continue rebuild after.