OlhenShu / ProjectStage_Team2_May

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Filter and search within my All friends list #111

Open OlhenShu opened 4 months ago

OlhenShu commented 4 months ago

As a user I want to be able to filter my all friends list and to search within my all friends list so that I could find a needed friend or group of friends quickly.

Preconditions: The registered user is logged in My All friends tab on My Eco Friends page is open User has at least 4 friends

Acceptance criteria:

  1. User should be able to filter his/her friends' list based on the following criteria: a. City (same city of living as a user) b. Highest personal rate c. Recently added friends

  2. When user applies a filter system displays results in the order of most relevant: a. friends who commented same news as user b. friends that user has communication via messages c. friends with the highest personal rate

  3. User can search for a friend within My All friends list using the “search” field: 3.1. user can see a text “Search a friend” in the search field: a. text in the input field disappears when user enters the first character, and appears again when the input field is empty. 3.2. by typing a friend’s name systems displays results of friends based on the correct combination of letters in friend’s name: a. user should type minimum 1 character and maximum 30 characters (alphabetic characters, a dot, a space, apostrophe and hyphen); b. system starts searching results from 1 character typed; c. system searches results in any part of friend’s name respectively to the order of characters typed; 3.3. system displays no more than 10 results by default, to see more user should be able to use infinite scroll; 3.4. results are displayed in most relevant order.

  4. By clicking on the “All friends” tab the filter results and search results should be canceled and user should see all list of his/her friends in the order of most relevant.

Out of scope: Search for a new friend

To be discussed: Filter by city: same city of living by default + input field to type city's name. Filter by personal rate diapasons

dimonkoval commented 2 months ago

Olha_Shutylieva — 17.06.2024 16:36 2 пункт це у нас відображення результатів фільтрування, тобто коли користувач застосовує фільтр, система відображає результати у порядку найбільшої релевантності і тут уже ніби як ми врахували перший пункт. Тобто оці пункти ми маємо виводити для одного з підпунктів першого пункту. Типу ми відфільтрували тих хто є в нашому місті першими ми маємо вивести друзів, які коментували ті ж новини, що й користувач. далі ідуть друзі, з якими користувач спілкувався через повідомлення. далі друзі з найвищим особистим рейтингом.