OlhenShu / ProjectStage_Team2_May

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Create event #157

Closed OlhenShu closed 4 months ago

OlhenShu commented 5 months ago

As an Authorized User, I want to create an event in order to populate it across the Greencity community.

User Flow: Main menu -> Choose "Events" -> Open "Create event"

Assumptions & Constraints


  1. The User should be logged in as an Authorized User.

Business rules

  1. Mandatory fields: event title, date, time, location, description.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Authorized User shall be able to create an event details by clicking on the 'Create Event' button on My space page or Events page. https://www.figma.com/file/092AhCGadc1Hq8nAysxmYB/ITA-Greencity-%D0%A3%D0%91%D0%A1?type=design&node-id=30511%3A114493&mode=design&t=95pM5ZsclpQ1AzUl-1
  2. System shall open the Create Event screen. https://www.figma.com/file/092AhCGadc1Hq8nAysxmYB/ITA-Greencity-%D0%A3%D0%91%D0%A1?type=design&node-id=31186%3A121293&mode=design&t=95pM5ZsclpQ1AzUl-1
  3. User shall be able to fill in the event details.
  4. Event title up to 70 symbols.
  5. Event duration. If the user changes the number of days in the field duration, the system shows fields to fill out the date, time, and location.
  6. Event date (User shouldn’t be able to add the past date. User should be able to add up to 7 dates). Date type: Jan 30, 2023.
  7. Event time (User shouldn’t be able to add the past time case current date is chosen). User should be able to add: beginning time, end time or press the bttn "All day". In case "All day" dropdowns with date and time should be disabled.
  8. User should be able to mark event as online or offline event.
  9. Case user marks offline - appears the field to fill out the location. While user is typing the location the list of suggested locations should be displayed.
  10. For offline event user shall be able to add the event location by clicking on the map. The map with search field should appear under the checkbox Offline after checking on it. System shall add pin to the map and fill in the Event location field with the retrieved data as per added location.
  11. Case user marks online - appears the field to attach the link;
  12. Case user marks offline and online - appear two fields to fill out the location and to attach the link.
  13. Event description. User should be able to choose text font: bold, italic, underlined. The field description should contain more than 20 symbols but less than 63 206 symbols.
  14. User shall be able to indicate whether the event is open or closed. By default, event should be open.
  15. Case closed -> Only friends of the Organizer can join the event + tag “closed” is added to the event details & event preview card.
  16. Case open (default) -> All the authorized users are allowed to join the event, except for Organizer himself
  17. User shall be able to upload the own event image or proposed image from https://www.figma.com/file/092AhCGadc1Hq8nAysxmYB/ITA-Greencity-%D0%A3%D0%91%D0%A1?node-id=12671%3A1995. In case no proposed image is chosen - the first one proposed image should be the main event image by default. User shall be able to upload up to 5 images. One of the image could be marked as a main. If the user uploads their own event image, it should be up to 10MB and have JPG or PNG format.
  18. Case no image uploaded -> display the default one.
  19. Case image has more than 10 MB or wrong format -> shows error message describing the reason for the error. "Incorrect image size. Maximum allowed size is 10 MB"
  20. Mandatory fields: event title, date, time, location, description
  21. After the user create the event, the system adds the event to the Event dashboard and to the account My Events.
  22. User shall receive a notification on email upon status of event creation.
  23. Case mandatory fields aren’t filled in, System shows resp message, highlights the given fields.
  24. Case inapplicable input -> highlight the field & describe the reason of the mistake.
  25. Case User Cancels the action, System shall ask to confirm the action. https://www.figma.com/file/092AhCGadc1Hq8nAysxmYB/ITA-Greencity-%D0%A3%D0%91%D0%A1?node-id=13787%3A55543

Out of scope Edit event details Delete event Save event Attend event Preview event View event Share event Comment event Event filter Event search Event rating

Epic link Epic #11

Labels to be added "User story", "GreenCityEvent"


    • [ ] sample task.
ToriForH commented 4 months ago

Also added implementation for find all, find by id and find by author(organizator) id