OlhenShu / ProjectStage_Team2_May

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Event dashboard #164

Open OlhenShu opened 3 months ago

OlhenShu commented 3 months ago


As a User, I should be able to view all the Event Preview Cards on the Event Dashboard.

Mock-up: https://tinyurl.com/4ske7h22

User Flow Main menu -> Choose "Events" -> Open "Event dashboard"

Acceptance Criteria

1.1. The Event Dashboard screen does not have a page breakdown, which means that infinite scrolling is used. 1.2. The event time filter is applied when the dashboard is first displayed. The closest events are displayed first. The event date and time are taken into account when sorting. 1.3. However, events that are in the Attend and Favorite categories or created by the user as an Organizer have the highest priority. These events are displayed first. They are also sorted by the closest event between themselves.

  1. User shall be able to view the number of events of the total amount of events above the events dashboard. 3. User shall be able to open the event details page by clicking on the More bttn on the event card. System shall redirect the user to the Event details page. Under consideration. Refers to another US 4. Authorized User shall be able to Join the event by clicking on the respective bttn on the Event preview card. -> Case Organizer, Join bttn shall be hidden for his (only) scheduled events on the Event preview card. -> Case Attendee, Join bttn shall be replaced with the Cancel join event bttn. Under consideration. Refers to another US 5. Non-authorized user shall be able to view and click on Join the event bttn. After clicking on Join the event bttn, the system is proposed to log in or register in the system. Under consideration. Refers to another US
  2. User shall be able to scroll across all the upcoming events. Case no events -> display message on the dashboard notifying the user that there's no events for now. _7. User (as authorized and non-authorized) shall be able to filter the events on the events dashboard clicking by on following bttns (More details in US #175 ):
    • date
    • popular event (determined by the number of users who joined to the event)
    • location (country, city)
    • your event (join events, saved events, events created by this user). In case non-authorized this filter must propose to register or log in to the system
    • offline
    • online
    • initiative type (economic, environmental, social)
    • status (open/close) More details in US #175 _ Under consideration. Refers to another US 9. Authorized User shall be able to create new event by clicking on the respective bttn. System shall redirect the User to the Create Event page (see issue #157) Under consideration. Refers to another US 10. Authorized User shall be able to save envet by cklicking on the respective bttn. After that the system should mark with colour this bttn and the symbol on the right up conner on the events picture. Знімок екрана 2022-02-14 220737 Under consideration. Refers to another US

Out of scope Edit event details Delete event Save event Attend event View event preview card #185 View event Share event Comment event Event filter Event search Event rating

Epic link E.g.: Epic #11

Labels to be added "User story"


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