OlhenShu / ProjectStage_Team2_May

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[Change request to #164] Event dashboard #165

Open OlhenShu opened 5 months ago

OlhenShu commented 5 months ago

Description of a Change request:

  1. Additional functionality
  2. Design changes

Mock-up: https://tinyurl.com/4ske7h22

Business rules

  1. DEL

Acceptance Criteria according to the original order

1.The System displays the page “Events” with EventPreviewList which are sorted according to the date (desc), has no page breakdown (infinite scrolling) with already applied quick filter value “Upcoming” by default:

a) An Event has a priority to be placed at top of EventPreviewList if that event have a taking date +1 week from a current date. These Events are showing firstly in the EventPreviewList (date desc). If the Event taking date is the same to the current date - this Event has a higher priority (Events with a current taking date are the first in the EventPreviewList and sorted by EventTime if there are multiply Events with a current taking date)

b) If an User is authorized, has Favorites or created by user own Events (next ‘UserEvents’) and some of these UserEvents are eligible to be included in the quick filter “Upcoming” (AC.1a) then the System displays these UserEvents at the first place (sorted by date desc.) in the EventPreviewList despite the date of other Events. UserEvent with a current taking date has the highest priority.

c) When an User sees the EventPreviewList than an every event has a short description with relevant buttons, icons and tags according to the design https://tinyurl.com/mr3w6dhf and rules in the US #185 .

7. When an User on the page “Events” then the System displays quick filters types “Event time” (Upcoming/Passed), “Location”, “Status” and “Type” (see US #175 ). a) When an User chooses one of the value from quick filters than the System displays to an User the EventPreviewList according to values of applied quick filters sorted by date (desc) and shows the quantity of eligible events. 8. Del 10. US #185 11. When an User on the page “Events” then the System displays additional user panel with quick filters “My Events”, “Favorites”, button “Create Event” and an active Search icon (See US #177 ) above the quick filters at the right top corner.
image a) When an authorized User click on filters “My Events” or/and “Favorites” than the System displays to an authorized User the EventPreviewList according to the rules indicated in the AC 1. b) When a non-authorized User click on the buttons “Joint Event”, “Create Event” or on the icon “Add to Favorite” than the System proposes to an User to sign in or create an account according to the Epic [#2 ] Impact of Change


Epic: Green City Events#11