OlhenShu / ProjectStage_Team2_May

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Reply on comment #173

Open OlhenShu opened 3 months ago

OlhenShu commented 3 months ago

As an Authorized User, I want to reply to the comment so that I can discuss or dispute with other users.

Assumptions & Constraints

  1. The reply may contain profanity and offend other people.


  1. Only registered and logged users can create a reply to comment

Business rules

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Authorized User shall be able to reply to the comment by clicking on Reply bttn. under the comment.
  2. Under the reply text field should be "Save" bttn.
  3. When "Save" is tapped, the changes are saved and depicted in the current comment list.
  4. An authorized user can delete only his/her reply
  5. An authorized user can edit only his own answer. After editing the 'editing' label should be shown near the date of reply was created
  6. When the User writes more than 8000 characters the frame is highlighted in red color and the app displays an error
  7. If a reply was edited, the publication date does not change
  8. Emoji, links, videos, and pictures are prohibited in reply

Replies tree-level = 1: User cannot reply on reply Allowed special characters !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~" Max quantity of characters 8000

Out of scope Edit comment Delete comment Add comment

Epic link E.g.: Epic #11

Labels to be added "User story"


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