OlhenShu / ProjectStage_Team2_May

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[Change request to #175] <Events filter> #176

Open OlhenShu opened 3 months ago

OlhenShu commented 3 months ago

Description of a Change request: Changes in filter set Preconditions

  1. Del

Mockup https://tinyurl.com/yu9rutd3

Acceptance Criteria according to the order in the original US 1. When an User on the page “Events” then the System displays quick filters types. Every quick filter type is a drop down check box filter with a multiply choice and working as an dependent filter to already chosen. An User can apply only those values which are uploaded from relevant DB records which contains valid set of values.: a. "Event time”: Only two value - "Upcoming" and "Passed" b. “Location”: set of city/town or Online (if the Event is online)
c. “Status”: Open, Closed, Joined, Saved, Created. d. “Type”: Social, Economic, Environmental. 2. Del 3. Del 4. Del 5. When an User chooses one of the value from quick filters then the System displays to an User the EventPreviewList according to values of applied quick filters sorted by date (desc) and shows the quantity of eligible events. 6. Every quick filter type has an independent action graphical icon “Clear filter”. When an User click on this icon then the System cancels applied filter and displays EventPreviewList according to the current active filter value set. 7. An User should have ability to reset all applied filters by an one click with a relevant button "Reset all". When an User click on this bttn then the System clears all applied filters and and displays EventPreviewList according to the US #164 8. Every quick filter type has an additional check box filter "Select all". When an User chooses "Select all' then the System applies all set of values relevant to this quick filter type and displays EventPreviewList according to the current active filter value set.

Impact of Change

175 #164

Epic: Green City Events #11