OlhenShu / ProjectStage_Team2_May

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Manage event location #183

Open OlhenShu opened 3 months ago

OlhenShu commented 3 months ago

As an Authorized User, I shall be able to add the event location in order to indicate the place the event will be held.

Assumptions & Constraints


  1. The registered user is logged in. User roles: Organizer, Admin

Business rules

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Authorized User shall be able to add the event location by entering the address and then it appears on the map.
  2. Case User drags the pin, the data within the Event location field change dynamically.
  3. Case User types the location into the Event location field -> system removes the pin (case added) and displays the search results as per search request in the drop-down.
  4. If location is identified it will automatically tighten to the Mandatory field – Location. Case the exact location isn’t identified -> Show the message “Specify the search request or choose the location manually using the map below” in the drop-down.
  5. Case User selects the location -> it’s added to the Location field. The map should have a standard zoomer and zooms to the chosen location, and the pin is added to the map in the chosen location.

Out of scope Create event Edit event

Epic link Epic #11

Labels to be added "User story"
