OlhenShu / ProjectStage_Team2_May

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[Change request to #185] <View event preview card> #186

Closed OlhenShu closed 2 months ago

OlhenShu commented 3 months ago

Description of a Change request: Minor changes in a preview card and functionality

Business rules - DEL

Mockup https://tinyurl.com/njny3csd

Acceptance Criteria according to the order in the original US 4. When an authorized User click on the buttons “Joint Event” then the System redirects an User to the relevant page Event details page US #182
a) When a non-authorized User click on the buttons “Joint Event” or/and on the icon “Add to Favorite” then the System proposes to an User to sign in or create an account according to the Epic [#2 ] 8. When an User sees an Event taking day is passed then the System: a) instead of adding to Favorites icon, displays to an User the Event rating (stars icons from 1 to 3. US #172 ) b) the “Joint Event” button is not active 9. When an authorized User click on the icons “Add to Favorite” than the System adds chosen event to the User Favorites Events with follow actions: a) A confirmation pop-up window with a text “The Event has been added to your Favorite List” b) A color of the icon “Add to Favorite” changes to Green color number on the figma#13AA57 image c) A caption tool tip of favorite icon of the icon is changing to “My Favorite” d) The System is checking eligibility of applying sorting rules indicated in the US #165 AC 1b.

Impact of Change


Epic: Green City Events #11