OlhenShu / ProjectStage_Team2_May

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Register to the application (new mockup) #200

Open OlhenShu opened 5 months ago

OlhenShu commented 5 months ago

As an Unregistered user I want to register so that I can have access to my profile.

Mockups: https://www.figma.com/file/JvDAu4MHnh1Vxc5FaokyiA/ITA-UBS-styles?node-id=12201%3A4

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. WHEN Unregistered user accesses the main page of application, THEN in the header he/she can see "Sign up" button.

  2. WHEN Unregistered user clicks on the "Sign up" button, THEN he/she sees popup with the next content

a. Greeting text “Hello! Please enter your details to sign up” (follow mockup above) b. fields to fill in:

  1. Criteria to create a password for Unregistered user should be the next: a. Be a minimum of eight (8) characters in length b. Contain at least one (1) character from three (3) of the following categories: c. Uppercase letter (A-Z) d. Lowercase letter (a-z) e. Digit (0-9) f. Special character (~`!@#$%^&*()+=_-{}[]|:;”’?/<>,.)

  2. Text “Sign in” is linked.

  3. WHEN Registered not logged in user clicks on “Sign in” THEN popup with Sign in form appears

  4. WHEN Unregistered user clicks on “Sign in” THEN popup with Sign in form appears

  5. WHEN Unregistered user fills in all necessary fields AND clicks "Sign up" button, THEN Registration window is closed, AND popup with text "You successfully registered on this site. Please verify your email address in mailbox" appears. AND verification email is sent, which is active 24h after registration.
