OlhenShu / ProjectStage_Team2_May

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Register to the application (enhancement to #200) #204

Open OlhenShu opened 5 months ago

OlhenShu commented 5 months ago

As an Unregistered user, I want to register for the application, so that I can start using a Tracker of useful habits. Mock-up: image image

Acceptance criteria:

  1. Provided that Unregistered user has no Account yet, WHEN he/she clicks on Sign-up or My cabinet THEN a modal window with registration form appears. a. All fields are mandatory b. Rules to maximum number of characters for the fields in the form, as well as password requirements are listed in #200. c. Steps 5-8 from #200 are applicable to this story. d. User should be able to close window ( X at the top-right corner of a window ) e. The background behind the form should be dimmed out, not black. See mock-up above for the reference.

  2. If a User enters not valid e-mail, an e-mail field is highlighted and a warning "Please check that your e-mail address is indicated correctly" appears

  3. If User leaves e-mail field empty the following message is displayed: ENG - Email is required UKR - Введіть пошту

  4. If a User enters not valid password, a field is highlighted and a warning "Password must be at least 8 characters long" appears.

  5. If User leaves a Password and./or Confirm password field empty the following message is displayed: ENG - Password is required UKR - Введіть пароль

If User enters Password, which has not at least one character of Uppercase letter (A-Z), Lowercase letter (a-z), Digit (0-9), Special character the following message is displayed after user hits Submit button: ENG - Password has to contain at least one character of Uppercase letter (A-Z), Lowercase letter (a-z), Digit (0-9), Special character (~`!@#$%^&*()+=_-{}[]|:;”’?/<>,.). UKR and ENG versions are in the story #205

  1. If passwords in the Password and Confirm Password field do not match, the following message is displayed: UKR - Паролі не співпадають ENG - Passwords do not match

  2. If User leaves Confirm password filed empty the same messages as in the step 5 will be displayed.

Mock-ups for different screen resolutions are available at Figma Enhancement related to #200