OlhenShu / ProjectStage_Team2_May

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Sign-up form: Password field validation for special characters etc. #205

Open OlhenShu opened 5 months ago

OlhenShu commented 5 months ago

As a User I want to have messages in different languages, so I know what's wrong with the Password I'm trying to set. Mock-up: N/A

Acceptance criteria:

  1. If User enters Password, which has not at least one character of Uppercase letter (A-Z), Lowercase letter (a-z), Digit (0-9), Special character, the following message is displayed after user hits Submit button:

  2. UKR - Пароль має містити хоча б один символ латинського алфавіту верхнього (A-Z) та нижнього регістру (a-z), число (0-9) та спеціальний символ (~`!@#$%^&*()+=_-{}[]|:;”’?/<>,.).

  3. ENG - Password must include at least one character of Uppercase letter (A-Z), Lowercase letter (a-z), Digit (0-9), Special character (~`!@#$%^&*()+=_-{}[]|:;”’?/<>,.).

Related to #204