OlhenShu / ProjectStage_Team2_May

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Detail information panel of a place in the sidebar list #240

Open OlhenShu opened 2 months ago

OlhenShu commented 2 months ago

As an unregistered/registered user I want to review info about a place in the sidebar list so that I can see fully information about the place.

Mockup: image

Acceptance criteria:

  1. An unregistered user can see names of places in the sidebar list.

  2. WHEN unregistered user moves a cursor on the name of place in the sidebar list THEN name of place become active (for ex. bigger text and in bold).

  3. Unregistered user can click on the name of place in the sidebar list.

  4. WHEN an unregistered user clicks on the name of a place in the sidebar list THEN information panel only on mentioned place appears in sidebar list without other names of places in the list.

  5. Information panel contain the next info: a. Name of place b. Photo of place (height 180 px; width - width of sidebar list) c. Section with Navigate icon, Save to favorites icon (is visible only when user registered),
    d. Section with address, website, contact number, working times (only for current day) e. Section with feedbacks of this place.

  6. Feedback should be displayed in the square frame with user icon and user name and text of feedback below.

  7. On the info panel there is displayed last three feedback (as max) for place AND "Show more" button below.

  8. WHEN unregistered user clicks "Show more" button, system should display other last three feedback (sorted by time added) on the same place in info panel and till the last feedback with this way.

  9. Close button "X" as grey cross is available on the upper right corner of the panel.

  10. Unregistered user can click "X" button.

  11. WHEN Unregistered user clicks "X" button on the panel, THEN all places appears in the sidebar list.

  12. WHEN unregistered user clicks on Navigate icon on the information panel THEN highlighted way from user location to the place appears on the map. Navigation option see in #232.