OlhenShu / ProjectStage_Team2_May

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Searching for a place #243

Open OlhenShu opened 2 months ago

OlhenShu commented 2 months ago

As a user I want to be able to filter places and to search places by city so that I could find a needed place quickly.

Assumptions & Constraints


  1. User roles:
    • Unauthorized User
    • Authorized User

Business rules

Acceptance Criteria

User should be able to seaech places based on the following criteria: a. Place name b. City (For registrated user: by defoult same city of living as a registrated user)

User can search for a place using the “search” field: 1.1. user can see a text “Searching for a place” in the search field: a. text in the input field disappears when user enters the first character, and appears again when the input field is empty. 1.2. by typing a place’s name systems displays results of places based on the correct combination of letters in place’s name: a. user should type minimum 1 character and maximum 30 characters (alphabetic characters, a dot, a space, apostrophe and hyphen); b. system starts searching results from 1 character typed; c. system searches results in any part of place’s name respectively to the order of characters typed; 1.3. system displays no more than 10 results by default, to see more user should be able to use infinite scroll; 1.4. results are displayed in most relevant order.

User can search for a place using the “search city” field: 2.1. user can see a text “City” in the search field: a. text in the input field disappears when user enters the first character, and appears again when the input field is empty. 2.2. by typing a city’s name systems displays results of places based on the correct combination of letters in city’s name: a. user should type minimum 1 character and maximum 30 characters (alphabetic characters, a space); b. system starts searching results from 1 character typed; c. system searches results in any part of city’s name respectively to the order of characters typed; 2.3. system displays no more than 10 results by default, to see more user should be able to use infinite scroll; 2.4. results are displayed in most relevant order.

Out of scope

Epic link E.g.: Epic #225

Labels to be added "User story"


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