OlhenShu / ProjectStage_Team2_May

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[user-controller/POST/user/ Save User] The system takes Response 'Code 500 Undocumented' #254

Closed OlhenShu closed 1 month ago

OlhenShu commented 2 months ago

Screenshot_3 Environment: Firefox 116.0.3 (64-bit). Reproducible: always.

Preconditions Log in as the User to http://localhost:8065/swagger-ui.html#/

Steps to reproduce

  1. Scroll down and click on the user-controller
  2. Click on the POST/user Save user
  3. Click on the 'Try out' button
  4. Fill in the body with id the existing user e.g. { "city": "Львів", "dateOfRegistration": "2023-08-25T19:50:43.157Z", "email": "User@gmail.com", "emailNotification": "DISABLED", "id": 3, "languageVO": { "code": "uk", "id": 3 }, "lastActivityTime": "2023-08-25T19:50:43.157Z", "name": "Іван Петров", "ownSecurity": { "id": 3, "password": "secure_password" }, "profilePicturePath": "images/profile2.jpg", "rating": 4.8, "refreshTokenKey": "random_refresh_token_key", "role": "ROLE_USER", "showEcoPlace": true, "showLocation": true, "showShoppingList": true, "userCredo": "Зробимо наш світ чистішим та зеленішим!", "userStatus": "BLOCKED", "verifyEmail": { "expiryDate": "2023-08-25T19:50:43.157Z", "id": 3, "token": "verification_token_string" } } Actual result Code 500 Undocumented

Expected result Code 400 Bad Request