OlhenShu / ProjectStage_Team2_May

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Epic: GreenCity Notifications #324

Open OlhenShu opened 1 month ago

OlhenShu commented 1 month ago

Business value: website users are notified about interactions with other users or upcoming events.

Status: B - in progress, back BD - done, back F - in progress, front FD - done, front T - in progress, testing Done - US is done

Feature 1. Notifications management

User story Link Status MVP
1 View the most recent notifications #325 -- +
2 View all notifications #326 -- +
3 Delete notification #327 -- NTH
4 Mark notification as read / unread #328 -- +
5 Filter notifications #329 -- +

Feature 2. News notifications

User story Link Status MVP
1 News article was commented notification #330 -- +
2 News article was liked notification #331 -- +

Feature 3. Comments notifications

User story Link Status MVP
1 New reply notification #332 -- +
2 Comment was liked notification #333 -- +

Feature 4. Events notifications

User story Link Status MVP
1 Event was commented notification #334 -- +
2 Event was liked notification #335 -- +
3 Event was canceled notification #336 -- +
4 Event was updated notification #337 -- +

Feature 5. Friends notifications

User story Link Status MVP
1 New friendship request notification -- -- +
2 Friendship request was accepted notification -- -- +

Feature 6. Habits notifications

User story Link Status MVP
1 Habit was commented notification -- -- --
2 Habit was liked notification -- -- --
3 Habit invitation notification -- -- --

Epic link Epic list #1