Oli8 / spaper

PaperCSS components for Svelte
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How to style elements of Imported Card #78

Closed ABansal11 closed 10 months ago

ABansal11 commented 10 months ago

Hello @Oli8,

I had a question regarding styling the elements that constitute a card. This may be a general question, but I was hoping I could find help here as I am using this theme on my website.


<Card title={name} {image} imageAlt="{name}'s pic" subTitle={description} width="15.5em" >

I have a card defined as above. I want to change the specific color of the title and subTitle. How might I do this? I was not sure how to add styling to the elements of the card.

Oli8 commented 10 months ago


You could use title and subTitle slots instead of props:

<Card {image} imageAlt="{name}'s pic" width="15.5em">
  <span slot="title" class="text-warning">
  <span slot="subTitle" class="text-danger">
  Card Content

Then either use color utilities classes or add a selector and use regular css.

ABansal11 commented 10 months ago

Hey @Oli8 ,

That worked great! I had one other related question: How would I go about doing the same thing with the width of the card?

For context, I am trying to optimize the website for mobile, so I would like to ideally use a media query to change the width of the card at a given screen size. However, I was not sure how I could do that for the card component.

Also, I would like the image to automatically scale to the card's width while maintaining its aspect ratio.

Thank you for your help!

Oli8 commented 10 months ago

You should probably use papercss grid, we should soon have components for that matter in spaper but you can still use it via good old HTML.

<div class="row">
  {#each ... }
    <div class="col lg-3 md-6 sm-12">
      <Card ... >...</Card>
  {/each }

This will get you four cards on a row in "large" screens, two in "medium" screens and one in "small".

Regarding the image size, I don't have a good solution on the top of my head, maybe something with max-height/width or something more complex with javascript watching images dimension and resizing them.